* At the center of the chart is the time known as the Abomination of Desolation which is the exact middle of the Tribulation but also marks the start of the "Great" Tribulation when the Antichrist replaces the religion of God with his religion and sets up his throne and image in the Temple.
*Gaining an understanding of the vile person about what he is, learning about his spirit and behavior, serves the end times Christian by issuing a warning about the Antichrist spirit. Antichrist the man will be the embodiment and personification of a spirit that is already alive and well in the world today. It has infiltrated and become an integral part of today's politics, arts, sciences, religions, governments, philosophies, societies, economics, psychologies, churches and cultures - every fabric of lives. We study prophecy and the Antichrist's role in the end times so that we will not be seduced or overwhelmed with the Antichrist spirit, and miss the rapture.
*Under his reign, deceit of a high spiritual nature will take place and lies and half truths will rule the day by his slick ways and velvet tongue. His own heart will tell him that he is the true God. He will be so persuasive and believable that people will put all of their faith in him. He will, however, be thoroughly deceitful and wicked in all of his intentions. He will believe that he can stand up to the Prince of princes, Jesus Himself. These accounts are recorded in Daniel to warn the faithful, who have put their lives in God's hands, to not be deceived by this man and his spirit. Remember, Jesus Himself said that the deception at the end would be great.
*Most Christians, even with the warnings found in the scriptures, will be caught off guard and seduced by the spirit of this dynamic and likeable man. He will be like an angel of light and will have what appear to be religious remedies for every spiritual question or problem. Religion will be a big ally and tool used by him, as his real goal is total worship by the world as the one true God.
Profile of the man from Daniel Profile Portrait of Antichrist from historical archetypes